Monthly Archives: March 2021

“Our clients’ interests always come first.”

So read the Goldman Sachs statement given to clients to provide assurance of integrity in the firm’s operations. The boilerplate language of empty promises also included assurances of, “We have extensive procedures and controls that are designed to identify and … Continue reading

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Major League Baseball and the Sticky Ethics of Pitchers

Pitchers’ use of sticky substances on baseballs is a longstanding tradition of the game. Mind you, such stickiness is not legal under the rules of the game, but teams and the commissioner look the other way. The teams do because … Continue reading

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More on the Bystander Effect

Vilma Kari, a 65-year-old woman who had come to the United States from the Philippines, was on the streets of New York near Times Square. In the cold, cruel light of day, and unprovoked, a man kicked her in the … Continue reading

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The Fabric of Society Unraveling: Of Carjacking, Cell Phones, and Kitty Genovese

The 1.5-minute video is difficult to watch. Two teens girls, ages 13 and 15, confronted Uber Eats driver, Mohammad Anwar, 66, while this humble Pakistani immigrant was trying to eke out a living working for a company run by billionaires. … Continue reading

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Gaming in Nursing Home Ratings

It was a recipe for disaster. The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid came up with a system for rating nursing homes. Mistake one: The ratings were based on data provided by the nursing homes themselves. The first thing nursing … Continue reading

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Have Mercy on Us!

Could we just put Prince or Duke Harry and Duchess or Princess Meghan and Dr. Fauci in a room together with Oprah and just end the agony of seeing stories about all of them no matter where we turn? Sort … Continue reading

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Dr. Major Biden Shuffled Off To Delaware

The Biden quasi-domesticated dog, Dr. Major Biden, has ben sent packing. Following a break in his master’s foot and a “minor injury” to a staff member at an undisclosed location, the locals had had enough. Someone was bitten. Every president … Continue reading

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The Mensch with a “Side Hustle”

A PR firm owner noticed a vanity license plate of “MENSCH1” on a Cadillac Esplanade. Curious about the man behind the vanity plates and the fancy car, he left a note. The owner of the vanity-plated Cadillac responded. The owner … Continue reading

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The Congressman Who Expensed His “River House”

Congressman Steven M. Palazzo (R-Mississippi) made the following expenditures from his campaign funds on his “River House” $3,000 per month rent to use the home as his campaign headquarters $11,000 for utilities $6,300 for landscaping $1,500 for plumbing $1,300 for … Continue reading

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Elaine Chao, Former Secretary of Transportation, and Conflicts

The inspector general for the Department of Transportation released a report last week that raised questions about the then-Secretary of Transportation using her office to advance her family’s business in China. When then-Secretary Chao proposed allowing family members who run … Continue reading

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Theranos Lab Director Told Executives Devices Could Not Generate Data with Any “Clinical Value”

The prosecution in the fraud case against former Theranos CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, she who once dressed like Steve Jobs, and her COO, is adding evidence as the trial proceeds. The latest filing covers the testimony of the former director of … Continue reading

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Half of McKinsey Sees a Problem

The 600+ senior partners at McKinsey voted to deny managing partner, Kevin Sneader, a second term. The gang had not ousted a managing partner since 1976. Mr. Sneader, poor schlub, had to deal with the mess from McKinsey’s consulting gigs … Continue reading

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U.S. Women’s Gymnastics: Tragedy Writ Large

Facing felony charges, the former U.S. Olympic Women’s Coach, John Geddert, committed suicide last week. Larry Nassar, the Michigan State physician, worked with Geddert at his feeder studio, Twistars. Nassar is serving what amounts to a life sentence for decades … Continue reading

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Outside Review: Nine Inaccurate Statements by Nikola

An outside review by Kirkland & Ellis, LLP concluded that nine statements made by Trevor Milton, founder of the electric truck company Nikola, were inaccurate. One of the inaccuracies was that the video of a moving electric truck was in … Continue reading

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