Category Archives: News and Events

Describes new books, articles, and upcoming speeches.

Chiquita Banana in Colombia: 31 Years, Terrorist, Litigation, and a $38.3-Million Verdict

The moral of this story may be this simple:   Careful choosing countries in which you do business.  Cuidado! A secondary moral:  Be even more careful about paying for protection once there. Chiquita Banana began doing business in Colombia and … Continue reading

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“I think my husband has dementia. Can I leave him before it worsens?”

The question was sent to the New York Times “The Ethicist” column. Kwame Anthony Appiah went down one of his usual rabbit holes exploring the levels of dementia. And he assures this callous human being, “I’m not saying that you’re … Continue reading

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Here We Go Again! This Time It’s Bundling Up Car Loans

Always a thrill to see repeat patterns.  Even better to offer a warning.  Smaller banks are facing stiffer regulations. Dog-gone it! Those regulators are demanding that these banks’ financials look healthy. So, the banks are selling off bundles of car … Continue reading

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Lying About How You Lost Weight

Oprah shilled for Weight Watchers even as she was losing weight thanks to one of the new wonder drugs intended for those with diabetes (Ms. Winfrey did not disclose which one).  Dieters were convinced Oprah was just following Weight Watchers … Continue reading

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Marathoner Disqualified for Illegal Water Supplies During the Race

Orange County held its marathon on May 5, 2024.  The winner?  Esteban Prado, clocking in at 2:24;54.  However, Mr. Prado was disqualified after video camera footage of the race showed that men (including his father) on bicycles raced along beside … Continue reading

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The Wild, Wild FDIC

The FDIC directly supervises and examines more than 5,000 banks and savings associations for operational safety and soundness. And if you were wondering why the FDIC might have missed a few banks going south here and there it is because … Continue reading

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Southwest Passengers Gaming the System

Flying Southwest is a challenge.  There are no assigned seats – it’s every man, woman, and child for himself or herself in trying to score exit-row seats and avoid the dreaded middle seat. Southwest has attempted to attract business travelers … Continue reading

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Of Janitors with Integrity, Protesters Without, and the Met Gala

Mariano Torres, a night janitor (or environmental services employee in modern parlance) in Hamilton Hall at Columbia University, was just doing his job on the third floor.  He heard a ruckus coming from the first floor but continued to do … Continue reading

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What the Campus Protesters Reveal

A New York Times reporter went to the University of Chicago to talk with students and faculty about the “encampment” anti-Israel protestors had created.  One, a young lady who is a senior, said, “I came here to hear views that are different … Continue reading

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McKinsey Is Under Criminal Investigation by Justice Department

There’s some news for McKinsey clients.  A grand jury was empaneled in Virginia.  The investigation focuses on McKinsey’s consulting advice to opioid drugmakers.  McKinsey had no comment.  The Barometer does.  “Yikes!” McKinsey has already paid $642 million to resolve opioid … Continue reading

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Boeing Has a Top-Heavy Problem

However, the top-heavy problem is not physical, as in the angle of attack on the 737 MAX or door panels falling form the skies.  Its top-heavy problem is with its executives.  They have ethical tin ears. The most recent issue … Continue reading

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KPMG Exam-Cheating Takes on International Proportions

The accounting firm of KPMG has already paid a fine in the United States for facilitating cheating by its auditors on the required PCAOB exams on audit standards and ethics.  PCAOB (often referred to as Peek-a-boo) is the Public Company … Continue reading

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Cafeteria Catholics and Pope Francis’s Dignitus Infinita

The declaration, issued by the Vatican, begins by stating clearly the inherent dignity of all human beings. The declaration then concludes that assaults against human dignity are abortion, surrogate childbearing, euthanasia, capital punishment, poverty, war, the travails of migrants, human … Continue reading

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Harvard Takes the High Ground – After 90 Years

Since 1934, Harvard’s library has housed a copy of Des destinées de L’âme (The Destiny of the Soul by Arsène Houssaye).  The book was published in 1879. Dr. Ludovic Bouland, a French physician, acquired a copy and placed a new … Continue reading

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